Team (en)

GRA Team and supporter

GRA Team and supporter

Beside the work that many of our members do on individual initiative, this website is maintained by an editorial team.

[column-group] [column]oliver[/column] [column]Oliver Huber Born in 1963, IPSC (and more) sports shooter phone: +49 171 1555855[/column] [/column-group]

[column-group] [column][/column] [column]Katja Triebel Born in 1964, gun right expert, arms dealer and civil-rights activist from Berlin email: phone: +49 (0)2373 981-9944[/column] [/column-group]

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[/column] [column]Niclas Member of BDS, (youth) trainer, Range Officer IPSC, IT guy, photographer and more.[/column] [/column-group]

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[/column] [column]René paramedic, active volunteer in mountain/water rescue, hunter, sport shooter (also IPSC) and lawyer.[/column] [/column-group]

Who’s responsible for what??

Oliver HuberEvents, Training, Events and Introduction for gun newbies; Katja Triebel Gun-rights, Editorial work, European coordination; Niclas Technical issues, Administration, Photos, Editorial work; René helps with hunting and legal issues.


Questions, feedback, want to publish an article? Use the following form to contact the team.

[contact-form to=’‘ subject=’Contact Team GRA‘][contact-field label=’name‘ type=’name‘ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’email‘ type=’email‘ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’comment‘ type=’textarea‘ required=’1’/][/contact-form]